Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Huxley, Thougths on by Edmund L. Scholz

"Why would I take a vacation to Paris, or anywhere for that matter? I can travel all I want from home, on the internet." Steve Elliot -2003

Huxley, Thougths on by Edmund L. Scholz

While Huxley's vision of sleep brain washing, or hypnopedia was never realized scientifically, he concept of brain washing people en mass to thing the same things so they serve the rulers of society has gained great tractions in the modern world threw many similar techniques that true to the spirt, if the the specifics of hypnopedia. While the list of similar society brain washing techniques is legion, from mass indoctrination, propaganda, toxins and chemicals to change brain chemistry and many others the one that closes matches Huxly's sleep teaching is subliminal advertising. As Philip Merikle, Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo said :

"Over the years there have been literally hundreds of studies"..."these studies
show that considerable information capable of informing decisions and guiding
actions is perceived even when observers do not experience any awareness of perceiving".

   Here is talking about subliminal advertising, ads that by hidden messages and images change the way we thing and feel with no choice or defense on how are feelings are altered. Just like sleep teaching the subliminal message by passes are conscious mind with its capacity for critical thought and goes directly to our unconscious mind, which then in turn affects are critical mind - leaving us with no defense against this change. If the message works we think we like or hate something because we hate or like ti, not because we have been taught to do so. The major difference between Huxley's world and now is that it is not the State that is controlling us, but the corporations and brands. While most subliminal ads discussed in te media are obvious like the one appealing to sex in this link "http://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-10-best-subliminal-ads-ever-made/3/" the truly powerful ones are the ones that are never detected and thus can never be critically discussed or defended , even after the fact. Alcohol companies have used subliminal advertising to promote feelings of suicide and create a desire to die via alcoholism that no person admits being influenced by, yet alcoholism claims thousands of deaths a year.( http://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/fact-sheets/alcohol-use.htm). Psychology is used to produced this ads with hidden death symbols to promote this feeling of love and hate and a increase the desire for death and thus create more sales. While those in the business of alcohol (or less obliquely the business of tobacco) do not want their customer base to die, if reducing the number of deaths would hurt their profits, then some would prefer death of people to death of sales. This ties directly in with Huxley's Brave New World desire to consume and spend, and consume some more and the use of hypnopedia, as well as the disregard for the sanctity of human life. Human life, if it gets in the way of consumption must, both in the world of alcohol subliminal and advertising as well as Huxley' Brave New World be cast aside in favour of controlled , if brain washed society.

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