Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lauren do to the dog at the end of Chapter Four? 
(a) Pets it.
(b) Feeds it.
(c) Captures it.
(d) Shoots it.
2. Why does Keith say that his friends on the outside find him useful? 
(a) Because he has money.
(b) Because he has a gun.
(c) Because he reads and writes.
(d) Because he gets them drugs.
3. How does Amy die? 
(a) She is killed by a feral dog.
(b) She is hit by a car.
(c) By a stray bullet.
(d) From hunger.
4. What is Lauren's stepmother's first language? 
(a) French.
(b) Italian.
(c) Spanish.
(d) Portugese.
5. What does Lauren recommend Joanne do while she reads? 
(a) Read out loud.
(b) Listen to the radio.
(c) Take notes.
(d) All answers are correct.
6. Who becomes pregnant in the neighborhood? 
(a) Aura Moss.
(b) Joanne.
(c) Bianca Montoya.
(d) Lauren.
7. How many dead people does Lauren see on her way to get baptized? 
(a) Twenty.
(b) Fifty.
(c) One.
(d) Three.
8. What does Lauren suggest she and Joanne make? 
(a) New clothes.
(b) Emergency packs.
(c) Acorn bread.
(d) A time capsule.
9. Why does Mrs. Sims live alone? 
(a) Because her husband leaves her.
(b) Because her house is very small.
(c) Because all of her family moves away.
(d) Because she doesn't get along with her daughter-in-law.
10. What does Lauren wish she takes with her on her journey? 
(a) Curtis.
(b) Her writings.
(c) A gun.
(d) Her father.
11. How does Reverend Olamina usually travel to work? 
(a) He takes a public transportation system.
(b) In a carpool.
(c) By bike.
(d) He walks.
12. What song does Kayla sing at the service? 
(a) "We Shall Not be Moved".
(b) "We Shall Overcome".
(c) "Battle Hymn of the Republic".
(d) "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot."
13. At least how many guns does each household in the neighborhood have? 
(a) One.
(b) Three.
(c) Two.
(d) Five.
14. What is special about the water used for the baptism? 
(a) It is free.
(b) It is colored blue.
(c) It is fresh and clean.
(d) It is bought by Lauren herself.
15. Who else besides Lauren does not cry over Keith's death? 
(a) Marcus.
(b) Cory.
(c) Her father.
(d) Gregory.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Mrs. Sims die?
2. Who does the astronomy book that Lauren learns the constellations from belong to?
3. What do Cory and Rev. Olamina only drink on special occasions?
4. What types of books is Lauren reading?
5. How does Keith get out of the gates?

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