Monday, 8 February 2016


  •  While I disagree with the thesis it is sound out line. The example could be stronger, more specific evidence
  • -What about the C-51?
  • -What about the innocent Canadians torture by the government- even it not innocent they would have be tortured (against democracy( for their beliefs, rather than their actions (against fairness and rule of law)?
  •  But none of these can not be added later of course, but certainly you a thesis means you you have done some research, and not just made up stuff up in your head - that the proto-qustion or thesis question
  •  Thesis Question: With C-51 the and other factors how close it Canada to a 1984/Brave new World. Have Canadians become willing slaves without realizing it?
  •  You see to still by at the question stage/

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